Last year was another banner year for the Bringing Music to Life Instrument Drive. Coloradans donated 1,100 used instruments that were repaired when possible and donated to schools. Individuals and organizations also gave monetary donations vital to funding repairs, making 2023 the second most successful year in BTML’s 13-year history.
These instruments have made a difference for over 20,000 students in more than 300 music programs. During this last year it was clear just how valuable Bringing Music to Life is to educators across the state.
BMTL Executive Director Christine Andresen says the success of 2023 is in the growth of some returning music programs. “Programs that had started kind of small, when they had gotten our help over a couple of years… Kids were telling other kids, their band was becoming more popular, we’ve had teachers show us programs that are growing in popularity and in participation.”
One of these repeat educators, Andrew Campo, travelled from Cortez to Denver for Bringing Music To Life’s instrument presentation in August, where 770 instruments were awarded to 52 music programs. Campo and his music program at Montezuma-Cortez Middle School have turned to Bringing Music to Life five times in the last 12 years. Currently, 200 of the school’s 550 students are enrolled in band. Campo credits Bringing Music to Life for making that possible.
Courtesy of Bringing Music to Life
2023 also brought change for Bringing Music to Life. Christine Andresen took over as Executive Director in October, replacing founder and Executive Director Emeritus Steve Blatt. But Andresen is no stranger to BMTL. She previously served as a volunteer and board member. “I inherited this wonderful organization. I really care about children having access, even if they join a music program and decide they don’t like it… It’s just so good to have kids have helpful, healthy options.”
Bringing Music to Life has seen a steady increase in donations since its inception in 2009. It’s also seen an increase in programs across Colorado in need of instruments. In 2024, Bringing Music to Life is hoping to continue the strong instrument and monetary donations from individuals, as well as find additional corporate sponsorships. The Bringing Music to Life 2024 Drive is March 3-16.
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