It’s KRCC's inaugural 719 Day – a day to celebrate the culture, community, and landscape that make Southern Colorado so special.
Over the past several weeks we’ve been reaching out to people who share the 719 area code, or just love to visit it, to find out what you love about the region.
Here’s what you had to say.
What I love about the 719 is The Wet Mountain Valley. Best place to beat the heat, go hiking on the Rainbow Trail, enjoy the company in Westcliffe and Silver Cliff and mostly enjoying the scenery of both the Sangre de Cristos and the Wet Mountains.
– Becky Tompkins, Pueblo West and Westcliffe
I love the uniqueness of Southern Colorado such as the San Luis Valley. An area the size of Connecticut or New Jersey with a census count of only 47,000 people. The 1950 census was 46,000 people. So we have high altitudes, but low multitudes.
— Don Thompson, Alamosa
The Sangre de Cristo range as seen from the Wet Mountain Valley on May 30, 2023. The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch lies along a gravel road in the Wet Mountain Valley in Custer County, CO.
Pueblo chiles a toda madre (freaking great)
– Concerned Philosopher via Reddit
I love Cheyenne Cañon, especially after summer when the tourists leave. The space seems to gather its thoughts and settle back into the quiet swish of ponderosa tops and gentle crunch of the trails. I always thank the Utes in my mind when I visit as it was and always will be their sacred place which the rest of us tread with care and respect.
— Janele Johnson, Colorado Springs
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Much of it is right here, in this song.
— Elizabeth Gay, Denver
The Pike-San Isabel National Forest is so beautiful. I went camping there when I was in college in the 80s. Our campgrounds were right next to a creek and the guys went fishing. Such a dreamy place!
– human3970 via Reddit

Southern Colorado is not crowded with tourists and over-development. It's the Old West undiscovered.
— Robert Hoenike, Trinidad

Life in Southern Colorado - Pueblo is at a slower pace than the communities north of the El Paso County line. Neighbors still know each other and are willing to help each other.
And you can step back into Colorado history when visiting the San Luis Valley.
– Danny Rodriguez, Pueblo
I love my hometown, San Luis, Colorado. It has a vibrant community with a sense of history and pride. It is home to the 2nd largest Commons, La Vega, in the nation. It was dedicated by Carlos Beaubien, who once owned the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant, to the people of San Luis and the surrounding villages to encourage settlement.
— Patrick Payne
Scenes from the Arkansas Valley Fair in Rocky Ford, Aug. 21, 2021. Rodeo night in Rocky Ford on Friday, Aug. 20, 2021, at the Arkansas Valley Fair.
I love the Spanish Peaks, also known as the Wahatoyas or Breasts of the Earth. There are numerous legends and lore surrounding the peaks, in fact the scenic highway that encircles the peaks is known as the Scenic Highway of Legends. This part of Colorado has amazing history including the only original adobe fort still standing in Colorado.
– Bob Kennemer, La Veta

Pueblo’s diverse cultural, racial and ethnic history still resonates today. Although many of the neighborhoods are no longer exclusive enclaves for those of Polish, Lithuanian, Irish, Italian, Mexican, Jewish… heritage (the list is extensive!)... the influence is still there in the colorful houses with tidy yards, neighborhood churches and parks, and a few of the old restaurants and bars.
– Janice Johnson, Denver
A downtown Alamosa street scene circa 1929 featuring the Velhagen Brothers Jewelry clock (at left) on State Avenue. - Activist Mother Jones traveled to Southern Colorado to organize women and march in support of the striking miners. The women's march, pictured here, went through the streets of Trinidad, a town near Ludlow.
The Collegiate Peaks is probably the most beautiful area of Colorado. Salida is probably my favorite vacation spot.
— DomerJSimpson via Reddit
I like the climate and the rural, ranching families that I have known there. I also love the city of Pueblo, and all that it has to offer: beautiful parks, especially the River Walk and Nature Center, fun community festivals, a great historic area on Union Ave, many good and popular restaurants, the Arts Center, even the shopping mall which still has JC Penney, and many good people!
– Linda Moore, Firestone via Pueblo and the Arkansas Valley
Pueblo Union Depot, Jan. 30, 2024 A wind-powered parachute rider cruises over Lake Pueblo State Park in warm winter weather, Jan. 30, 2024.
Moved to San Luis 3 years ago. The thing that stands out most to me besides the beauty that abounds is the people’s who live here ability to stay connected with their hearts.
– Mark Miller, San Luis County