What’s Love Got To Do With It? Test Your Knowledge Of Classical’s Loveliest Music And Composers
Which famous composer wrote a whole movement of a symphony to woo their Valentine? Take our quiz to find out and listen to romantic music and dedications on CPR Classical all weekend!

Celebrate Mozart’s Birthday With A Quiz On His Life
Test your knowledge of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with this quiz!

A los sucesores de Beethoven les fue difícil vivir en la sombra del mejor compositor de la historia
Cómo Ludwig van Beethoven proyectó una gran sombra sobre Haydn y Brahms, dos gigantes de la música que vinieron antes y después de él.

By Jean Inaba

Beethoven’s Successors Found It Hard To Live In The Shadow Of Classical’s GOAT
Beethoven’s teacher, Franz Josef Haydn, was eclipsed by the genius of his young student. Later, a young Johannes Brahms spent decades writing his first symphony because Beethoven’s legacy cast a really big shadow.

By Jean Inaba

Was It Tchaikovsky Or Was It Brahms? Test Your Knowledge Of Two Giant Composers Born On May 7
What are the odds that two classical greats were born on the very same date of May 7, seven years apart? Test your knowledge to see how much you know about these two iconic composers that CPR Classical is celebrating on this day.

By Jean Inaba

How Well Do You Know Star Wars Music? We’ve Got A Quiz For You
Calling all earthlings or other humanoids — in honor of Stars Wars on May 4th, we have a quiz all about the maestro behind the Star Wars scores, Mr.

By Jean Inaba

How Well Do You Know Shakespeare? And Classical Music?
William Shakespeare inspired some of the greatest classical pieces ever written. But how much do you know about his body of work or the music influenced by his plays?

By Jean Inaba

Classical Music’s Astonishing Journey During Monet’s Lifetime
Claude Monet’s impressionist style of painting helped influence other artists, including composers. So let’s consider how music evolved during his lifetime.

By Jean Inaba

Musical impressionism spread beyond the boundaries of France
Musical impressionism may have started in France with Claude Debussy, but it didn’t stay there.

By Jean Inaba

10 Female Composers to Hear During Women’s History Month
From Hildegard of Bingen to some inspiring composers of the 21st century, here are 10 artists whose work deserves a listen.

By Jean Inaba

‘Silent Night’ At 200: How The Beloved Christmas Carol Came To Life In A Few Hours
The classic song made its debut on Christmas Eve 1818.

By Jean Inaba

Gallery: At CSU-Pueblo, building a new clavichord for a Baroque festival
A look at the assembly of an unusual keyboard instrument.

By Jean Inaba

George Frideric Handel and his life-saving coat button
A great composer found himself in a duel — and a near-death experience.

By Jean Inaba

Celebrating Johann Strauss II (and the rest of the Strauss family) on New Year’s Day
Hear the concert broadcast from Vienna at 9 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2015.

By Jean Inaba

2014 Retrospective: Classical artists who passed away this year
Distinguished conductors. Early music giants. Notable composers. Great performers. Notable Coloradans. Here are a few of the venerable classical musicians we said goodbye to this year.

By Jean Inaba

Holiday music in a hurry: Franz Gruber and ‘Silent Night’
A Christmas classic composed in just a few hours.

By Jean Inaba