Raising awareness in the effort to find missing trans and LGBTQ people
When someone is reported missing, police say the first few days are most critical. That’s when investigators typically circulate photos and gather important information while people’s memories are still fresh.

By Jo Erickson

Bonus Episode: Overcoming Hate
In this bonus episode, we look at how Melissa Hall tested Colorado’s bias-motivated crimes statute in court.

By Jo Erickson

We follow educator Paulina Lerma as she attempts to break the glass ceiling to become a Latina principal

By Jo Erickson

Tipping Point
We follow Denver Public School teacher, Kevin Adams, as he navigates a stream of microaggressions.

By Jo Erickson

Safe Space
We follow Naomi Lopez as she tries to steer her local school board toward equity policies while addressing her concerns that her gender-fluid child is a target because of some board members’ anti-LGBTQ comments.

By Jo Erickson

How our new season of ‘Systemic’ looks at equity in education
This season, teachers, parents, students and administrators of color are asking hard questions about the American education system.

No Equity, No Voice
We follow Melissa Hall, a Black parent, as she feels the full impact of withholding equity policies as a school volunteer and a mother of four kids.

By Jo Erickson

Season 2 Preview: Equity & Education
This season, teachers, parents, students and administrators are asking hard questions about the American education system.

By Jo Erickson

By Any Other Name
If you Google the question “Is marijuana racist?” there’s no shortage of articles available to try and answer the question definitively. But the racial baggage behind the word is much more complicated than a simple yes or no answer.

We Followed People Working To Reform Policing From Inside And Outside The System
In creating Systemic, I wanted to tell the story of people taking matters into their own hands in hopes of changing law enforcement forever.

By Jo Erickson

How And Why We Produced A Podcast About People Working To Reform Policing From Inside And Outside The System
As we produced this four-part series, we asked potential listeners who cared about this issue what they wanted to hear about.

In this year when rethinking law enforcement is at the center of a global conversation, we follow an activist working to hold those in power accountable for change.

By Jo Erickson

Hard Truths
On this episode, we follow an officer in leadership who’s working to reform policing from the top down.

By Jo Erickson

The death of a Black man in Colorado Springs left a grieving family searching for answers in a complicated and frustrating legal system.

By Jo Erickson

Black and Blue
Meet two Black police officers — a young officer in the Minneapolis suburbs and a veteran sheriff’s deputy in Colorado Springs — working to protect their communities at a pivotal moment.

By Jo Erickson

Introducing Systemic: A Show About Police Reform
Since the death of George Floyd in 2020, America has been searching its soul over questions of racial injustice. Many people are looking for solutions to change a police culture that disproportionately harms people of color. They’re asking hard questions about what should be done to reform law enforcement. To capture this defining moment, we followed a group of people across the U.S., working to change police departments from the outside and within.

By Jo Erickson