‹‹ Music Blocks

Ceremonies & Celebrations

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Music gives us a soundtrack for some of the most memorable moments in each of our stories, from graduation ceremonies to holiday celebrations. Here’s a look at festive sounds and traditional stories from around the world. Each song might not tell a story of its own, but this music helps frame our own personal stories in potent ways.

Stuff to think about after you’ve listened:

  • We mentioned weddings, sporting events, graduation, and holiday ceremonies in our episode. What kinds of ceremonies do you think deserve their own kind of music?
  • What is a favorite song that you hear at a ceremony?
  • Ready to explore more music from all kinds of ceremonies and celebrations? Check out our playlists on Spotify or Apple Music.

This is one of eight Music Blocks episodes exploring how musicians use sound to tell stories about our lives. You can listen in any order. Find more episodes, discussion questions and playlists at MusicBlocksPodcast.org.

Tell us how you're using Music Blocks in the classroom or at home, or share your playlists and music creations inspired by the podcast! Email us: [email protected]

Music Blocks is a production of Colorado Public Radio's Audio Innovations Studio.

Hosts: Luis Antonio Perez and Rebekah Romberg

Lead producer: Rebekah Romberg

Education Advisor: Carla Aguilar, Ph.D.

Additional production and editing: Jo Erickson, Erin Jones, Emily Williams

Executive Producer: Brad Turner

Thank you: Monika Vischer and David Ginder at CPR Classical, Willobee Carlan at Indie 102.3, Jodi Gersh, Kim Nguyen, Mia Rincón, Clara Shelton, Hart Van Denburg, Jon Pinnow, Doug Clifton and all the teachers, parents and students who listened and helped us develop this podcast.

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