‹‹ Terra Firma

Greeting a New Decade (Comb Ridge, Utah)

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Art showing mountains, trees, elk, sky and waterfall - logo for Terra Firma podcast

At sunset on the eve of her 50th birthday, CMarie hikes up a slickrock ridge with her dog Carhartt. She passes petroglyphs, and cottonwoods, and at the top of the ridge, as the sun disappears over the mountains, she slips on a red evening gown. The light soaks into her hair and skin, and CMarie greets a new decade.

This episode takes place on Navajo, Pueblo, and Ute homelands.

Host and Writer: CMarie Fuhrman
Field Recordist: Jacob Job
Outdoor audio recorded at Oregon Trail Ruts State Historic Site near Guernsey, Wyoming
Editor: Erin Jones
Producers: Rebekah Romberg, Kibwe Cooper
Art: Maria Juliana Pinzón
Executive Producer: Brad Turner
Additional Editorial Support: Jo Erickson, Luis Antonio Perez, Emily Williams
Thanks also to Jodi Gersh, Clara Shelton, Arielle Wilson, Martin Skavish and Jon Pinnow

Terra Firma is a production of Colorado Public Radio's Audio Innovations Studio.

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