Music Blocks
A music appreciation podcast about the building blocks that make up your favorite sounds. Music Blocks explores how songwriters and composers use sound to express their emotions and share their experiences. Each episode runs about 5 minutes to fit easily into family time, classroom discussion or your podcast queue. Hosted by Luis Antonio Perez and Rebekah Romberg, the show spans genres, cultures and eras to inspire listeners to explore music more deeply. Music Blocks was developed with middle and high schoolers in mind, but it's fun for listeners of any age.
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Latest Episodes

Electrophones, which use electricity to make sound, have changed music! The electrophone instrument family expands the range of musical colors in a composer’s toolkit.

Good Vibrations
Idiophones make sound from the vibrations of an instrument’s body. A lot of the time, musicians whack them or shake them rhythmically.

Drumroll Please!
The spotlight is on membranophones! Membranophones make sound from the vibration of a tightly stretched material.

Take a Deep Breath!
Musicians who use the power of air breathe life into the music they play. They create beautiful and ear-catching melodies.

Strings And Things
All around the world, musicians use stringed instruments to make music. The way musicians play these instruments creates beautiful and distinctive sounds.

In Season 3, Meet Your Favorite Instruments (And Their Families!)
We’ll talk about your favorite sounds and the instruments that create them.

Yes You Can! Stories of Empowerment
A well-crafted song can tell a story that makes listeners feel confident, carefree or powerful.